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A Desire to change is the First step toward healing and
Are you ready to take those first steps toward healing and growth; to begin that journey of self-discovery allowing you to live your authentic life, to experience the happiness you deserve and live up to the potential you know is within yourself? Of course you are. Isn't this the goal of every human being? Unfortunately, we stumble along the way, experience challenges that we hadn't expected, and sometimes, we get lost along our life path. There is absolutely no shame in contemplating seeing a professional counselor, we all can benefit from having someone listen to us, help us navigate us back to where we want to be, and to help support us with evidenced based counseling support and techniques. I utilize a variety of counseling strategies but my main focus of treatment work is through the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR). Please contact me if you believe you would like to use EMDR and CBT to help you get back to your best self.
Introduction to EMDR Therapy (YouTube)
10 Ways Negative Beliefs Affect Lives
10 Examples of EMDR Changing Lives
If you have ever experienced anything major, or even minor, in your life that it has changed the way you respond or react to events happening now, then you have experienced a traumatic event. If the way you find yourself responding is uncomfortable, or makes you feel drained, disabled or destructive, then EMDR can help you. EMDR can help you change those automatic trauma thoughts and responses into more positive and productive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors for you. Contact Me...
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